Batch of visual resources

It's summer and I though it would be nice to spend more time outside, so I'll change the format of the post today.   


A Book: Universal Principles of Design

This is a great read. There is a lot of good scientific supported advice on how to improve a presentation. From the visual to the organization and cognitive front. You don't have to be a psychologist or a industrial design to understand and enjoy it. I counted at least 20 principles that directly apply to presentations. For example the Picture Superiority Effect and Iconic Representation which leads me to...

Links to get images and icons

  • The Morgue Files offers stock-photography-quality images from free, even for commercial purposes.
  • TinEyes Lab provides a Flickr search by color.
  • The Noun Project "collects, organizes and adds to the highly recognizable symbols that form the world's visual language."
Another item  in Universal Principles of Design is the Signal-to-Noise Ratio, which refers to the ration between the amount of decoration, and unnecessary elements (the noise)  and the amount of information that wants to be convey (the signal). The following video feature graphical designer John Mcwade is an example of how to apply this principle to slides.


A Video from Before and After Maganize


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